Lesson Memberships
How about a personal coach for your game? The mental and conditioning side of the game also need attention.
If you play poorly one day, forget it. If you play poorly the next time out, review your fundamentals. If you play poorly the third time in a row, go see your professional. -Harvey Penick - Little Red Book
Here are some of the items we use to help you get better.

Detailed Information
Individual Lessons
These words came from the Little Red Book by Harvey Penick, they ring so true. We have watched and listened to thousands of players over the last 20 years complain about their golf game, but do nothing to try to improve the move they make at the target. The time has come for you to begin a program to improve your understanding of the golf swing and thus improve your enjoyment of a great game. The game for a lifetime.
Single Lesson (approx. 30 minutes): $60 with Head Golf Professional, Tyler Beveridge, PGA
Couple Lessons
The sessions would generally last 45 minutes and the cost for one session would be $60.
Family Lessons
The family that golfs together, stays together. If a night out with the kids is what you want, we will be more than happy to take the whole family to our private lesson tee and work on learning this great game.
Generally, an hour would be set aside at a cost of $100 to help the whole family. Again, a custom series can be set up to make this a weekly or monthly night out throughout the summer.
Mini Lesson
Need a quick fix? Just $20 for 10 minutes of instruction.